What Strategy Means

Episode 3

Connecting the Dots

Strategy connects the dots between what you do and why you do it. The why is your goals and the what is the tactics you’ll use to achieve them. So the strategy is the plan of action designed to achieve your goals.

In this episode you’ll:

  • Learn how to set goals using the Goals, Strategy, Objective, Tactics (GSOT) framework
  • Create a documented strategy
  • Walk through two options for using GSOT

Listen in on the valuable conversation our guest experts have about their work on setting strategy, and share specific campus experiences with actionable insight.

  • Nora Clark, Assistant Director for Digital & Social Giving, FSU Foundation
  • Roger Renteria, Digital Marketing Manager, Central New Mexico Community College
  • Keri Straub, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Elizabethtown College

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Here's a worksheet to help you work through the fundamentals in real-time.

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Connect the dots between what you do and why you do it.