Goals and Purpose

Episode 1

Goals Guide Everything You Do

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of social media. Successful social media strategy is rooted in clearly articulated goals that reflect your campus’s values and priorities. 

In this episode you’ll:

  • Learn common campus goals social media can support
  • Use existing research to connect social media to desired outcomes
  • Walk through finding the right goal

Listen in on the valuable conversation Liz and our guest experts have about their work on defining goals and setting strategy, and share specific campus experiences with actionable insight.

  • Matt Duncan, Academic Digital Engagement Strategist, University of Colorado–Boulder
  • Arian Pierre, Social Media Coordinator, Dillard University
  • Rachel Putman, Associate Director of Strategic Communications, University of Arkansas–Fort Smith
  • Tom Rastrelli, Director of Digital Communications, Willamette University

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Here's a worksheet to help you work through the fundamentals in real-time.

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Root your social media strategy in clearly articulated goals that reflect your campus's values and priorities.