Graduate Enrollment Growth

How to find the right opportunities

Join Our Roundtable Discussion

Thursday, May 23 at 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. CT

Like everything in higher ed, graduate enrollment is facing significant challenges. We're continuing our discussion from the NAGAP Graduate Enrollment Management Summit on how to navigate the challenges and develop successful programs.

Key Takeaways

  • Identifying growth opportunities
  • Developing competitive programs
  • Recruiting and retaining students
Amber Sandall

Hosted by Amber Sandall
Associate Vice President of Client Services, Campus Sonar


Shane Baglini_Headshot

Shane Baglini
Senior Director of Marketing, Muhlenberg College

Shane leads Muhlenberg College's strategic recruitment and digital marketing efforts, manages all web and social media initiatives, and supports the College's brand and awareness endeavors across the institution. With a higher ed marketing career approaching a decade in length, Shane has a deep background in transforming strategies and tactics to maximize results and implementing best practices to meet institutional goals.

Loren Bass

Loren Bass
Strategist, Campus Sonar

Loren's experience spans student affairs and enrollment management at a variety of institution types—HBCU, HSI, regional universities, and private institutions. She loves to stay abreast of industry trends and uses creative engagement with various higher ed professionals. Loren holds a Bachelor of Communications degree with an emphasis in speech communications and public relations, and Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership from Valdosta State University. In her spare time she enjoys hikes near waterfalls, entrepreneurship, and international travel. 

Keith Ramsdell

Keith Ramsdell
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing, Ashland University

Keith is the vice president for enrollment management and marketing at Ashland University. He serves as immediate past president of NAGAP and has presented at national conferences on topics including data-informed decision making, selecting and implementing a CRM, engaging faculty, and graduate enrollment management best practices. Keith received his M.Ed. in Educational Psychology from the University of Toledo in 1995 and his B.A. in Theatre in 1991, also from the University of Toledo.

Join the discussion!